Years of experience
Happy students
20 techniques
A revolutionary program
We care
We have fun
We are on the mat with you
Team Legacy Dojo is a family owned business in Fulshear, TX
What We Do
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Mixed Martial Arts
Parkour and Sport Performance
Practical Self Defense
Bullying Prevention
How We Do It
20 fundamental techniques journey
Empowerment through enjoyment
1200 sqft Mat space
2 Belts System in 1 program
Competition Team
Why Us
Family membership
Inclusive and supportive
No experience required
Welcoming all students 5y+
Referral Program
Don't fear the man who knows 1000 techniques, fear the man who has practiced one technique 1000 times.
Master Bruce Lee
Team Legacy has proudly partnered with
providing our students with the most comfortable and lightweight GI available on the market, the Aeroweave!